
Traditional things I like to do is go church on new year’s.

Respect Sisu Kalasi and elder’s.

Amazing tradition’s we do as a family together.

Dances are performed at special occasions!

I love my cultures traditions.

Tongan tradition’s we do as a family together.

I love my traditional food’s espicially loi horsi and lu sipi.

Otai is a very traditional refreshing fruit drink that most tongans like uncluding me.

N ew year’s we celebrate new year’s by going to church!


July Ambassador’s Meeting!🤝

On Tuesday afternoon we got the chance to stay in and go into a meeting for the ako hiko ambassadors. We were all talking about our ako hiko story and about the video we made and what we could improve like making sure there isnt any background sound. We also were talking about the upcoming film festival and what we could do at the film festival and what we should do for our video.

Police Officer’s!👮🚨

Police officer’s are my superhero because they acknowledge eachother, and care’s  for everyone by turning up when emergencies happen.

Police officer’s are my superhero because they are selfless and heartwarming when something happen’s.

They are superhero’s because they are so protective of each other 🫶. They are superhero’s because they are amazing😜!

Dr. Seuss!!🐈👉🎩

Hello! Welcome back! Today for story chat I came up with 10 fact’s about Dr. Seuss!!🎩

Here’s the fact’s that I had researched!

Did you know that Dr. Seuss’s first book “And To Think I Saw It On Mulberry Street” was rejected more than two dozen time’s!

Also did you know that the incredible Dr. Seuss actually served in world war II!!🔫🪖

Did you know that Dr. Seuss actually created the word “nerd” in 1950 in the book “If I Ran To The Zoo” in the book the narrator stated he’ll collect “A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a seersucker too” for the imaginary zoo in the book!

Believe it or not “Dr.” Seuss changed his name to “Dr. Seuss to his pen name because his father had alway’s wanted him to practice medicine.

Dr. Seuss’s real name is actually Theodor Seuss Geisel!

Dr. Seuss is actually an academy award winner!!🥇

Believe it or not The “Grinch” Movie was a flop at first!.

He was’nt really a doctor!!🧑‍⚕…

Believe it or not Dr. Suess wrote a piece for new york times!?

Did you know that Dr. Suess wrote green eggs and ham on a dare

My Superhero!🦸

My Superhero that I stand up to is my dad! My dad helps people and he spreads kindness around the world and he always relies on us and always gives us a chance to explore!

My dad is my superhero because he stood up for what was right and helped me turn to god and helped me spread kindess!🌸

My dad always helps us with math, writing and even with folding the laundry when we feel sore and he always treats me and my siblings fairly and always buys us things we dont need and spoils us. 

My dad is a superhero because he makes me and my younger sister feel brave and helps us stand up for each other when something goes down hill. He helps me feel confident and amazing each day by smiling at me! 🙂 

My dad helps me and my sister when we are in situations that we cant handle. My dad is a superhero because he comforts me and my sis!👯 My dad is someone I look up to!

I always felt warm and amazing when he would always hug me and whenever, I would have moody days he would always make me smile and turn my frown upside down!🙃

My dad is always kind, amazing, heartwarming and encouraging. Even though my dad might be somewhere far away from me I could always feel our connection no matter how far we are apart from each other!🌏


The Periodic Table!🧪

The Periodic Table?! Hi everyone, welcome back today we will be talking about the periodic table! The Periodic Table is all about all the elements such as helium, hydrogen and titanium! The periodic table helps scientists to quickly refer to information about an element, like atomic mass and chemical symbol!


The periodic table has about 118 elements and most of those 118 elements are most likely metal. The periodic table is a chart that arranges the chemical elements in a useful, logical manner. These elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number, lined up so elements that exhibit similar properties are arranged in the same row or column as others.


Believe it or not, the founder of the modern periodic table is Dmitri Mendeleev, a russian chemist that created the modern periodic table. His table was just the first to gain scientific credibility. But it wasn’t just the first table that organised the elements according to periodic properties believe it or not. This founder created the framework that then became the modern periodic table, and this founder had left gaps for elements that have not been discovered yet and soon to be discovered in 1869.


Now we fast forward 1 year where this German chemist Lother Meyer produced a version of the periodic table similar to Dmitri Mendeleev in 1870. He left gaps for undiscovered elements but soon to his head he never predicted their properties. Then here comes the royal society of London awarded  the Davy medal in 1882 to both Mendeleev and Meyer. The later discovery of elements predicted by Meneleev, including gallium (1875), scandium (1879) and germanium (1886), verified his predictions and his periodic table won universal recognition. In 1955 the 101st element was named mendelevium in his honour


The concept of subatomic particles did not exist in the 19th century. In 1913, English physicist Henry Moseley used X-rays to measure the wavelengths of elements and correlated these measurements to their atomic numbers. He then rearranged the elements in the periodic table on basically the basis of atomic numbers. This then helped explain disparities in earlier versions that used atomic masses!


The existing periodic table that holds about 118 elements aren’t ordered by discovering them or by atomic numbers. Scientists are working on creating and confirming elements 119 and 120, this will then change the appearance of the table. 


Many people have known elements such as gold and carbon since ancient times. But these types of elements couldnt be changed using any type of chemical method. Because each element as you might know carries an unique number of protons the atoms have. For example if you were to mix silver and iron, you wouldn’t know how many protons are there. But however, you can tell the elements apart because they have different properties. You then might notice that there are more similarities linking iron and silver than between iron and oxygen. Then at the same time could there be a different way to organise the elements so you tell at a glance which ones had very similar properties.





⚝Water Bottle’s Party!!⚝

Woosh!, Here I come! Hey you! Guess what.., you're invited to my disco party!Water
bottle was hosting a disco party!. Wow here come's Baking Soda with his friend!? 
Teaspoon was so cool! "Not on my watch, only I can be the coolest substance than 
anyone!" Vinegar started pouring downstair's to the party🎉.

The music then started and everyone started having the time of their life, not 
until they expire." Cover  everyone!" Balloon started covering the roof! All of 
the substance's started getting sucked like a black hole from the balloon!

Woop! The balloon started inflating bigger and bigger! Squish! A human being?! Pop
the balloon popped letting each substance flee from the balloon!

WEE OO WEEE WOOO🚨! The giant's started arresting the balloon to throw it in the
trash! NOOOO! Plop :(